This is the same principle with Mammography (Examination of the breasts) but in Mammography, softer rays are used. Screening mammography is the type of mammography that checks when one has no symptom.
Ultrasound scans also called sonogram, sonography, ultrasonography and commonly called in our milieu echography. The device uses high frequency sound waves (2MHz — 10 MHz). The sound waves travel through body tissues.
Its usual application includes:
- Obstetrics/.gynaecology
- Soft tissues and tendons
CT scan
A Computerized Tomography (CT) Scan combines a series of X-ray images taken from different angles and uses computer processing to create cross-sectional images, of the bones blood vessels and soft tissues inside the body. CT scan images provide more detailed information that plain x-rays do. It can be used to examine any part of the body.
Examinations can be performed without injection of a contrast agent or with a contrast agent depending on the prescription of your Doctor. At times the Radiologist may request the use of a contrast agent for better tissue study.
Our competent Radiologists and Technicians are there at your service
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
This is another diagnostic technique available at DMMC (Polyclinic Bonanjo). It uses magnetic fields and radio waves to produce a detailed image of the body’s soft tissue and bones. It is often used to examine the brain, the spinal column and the joints. . It does not irradiate the tissues
Our Radiologists and Radiology Technicians may inform you on more details.